“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi
St. Peter said:
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10).
We give in thanksgiving for all God has given us.

When St. Francis of Assisi Parish was established in 2004, the pastor and founding members embraced the idea of becoming a “total stewardship” parish. Giving our time, our talent and our treasure is a concept rooted in scripture. We recognize that we are not owners of our lives but rather are stewards or managers. In managing the gifts God has given us, we spread the Kingdom of God on earth, helping others to know Him.
As a Total Stewardship Parish, St. Francis of Assisi is a self-sufficient community through our parishioners' generous gifts of their time, talent, treasure and prayer.
Stewardship involves OUR NEED TO GIVE, rather than giving to a need.
Stewardship is a TOTAL WAY OF LIFE, a conversation of mind and heart.
Stewardship is not something we do, it is about WHO WE ARE and WHOSE WE ARE.
Stewardship is about asking ourselves, “WHAT DO WE OWN and WHAT OWNS US?”.
Stewardship is an ACT OF WORSHIP, rather than an obligation.
The theology of Stewardship is biblically based. Each of us has been entrusted by God with gifts, in the form of our faith, time, talent and resources. Stewardship is a way of life based on gratitude for all God’s generous gifts.
Stewardship is not just about giving money. Parishioners share their time and talent in a variety of ministries in the parish and the wider community. From serving as ushers, cleaning the church building, to visiting the home-bound and watering plants, members find ways to serve. An annual ministry fair invites all to participate. See how you can Get Involved in our parish.
Stewardship of treasure takes the form of a commitment to share in the financial health of the parish and its ministries. This commitment is a vital part of parish life and replaces requests for special offerings throughout the year. Learn about our philosophy on Financial Giving.
At a certain point, stewardship becomes more than simply donating money or volunteering some time. We begin to recognize gifts as coming from God, and want to share them in love of God and neighbor.
What does being a good steward of your time, talent, treasure and faith mean to you? How do you share your God-given gifts with your parish community? Why is it important to you?
Find out the answers to these questions directly from our parishioners in their Stories of Stewardship.