“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi
At St. Francis of Assisi, we want to assist our parishioners in having a strong Catholic faith. We do this through Faith Formation for both children and adults.

Faith Formation classes are scheduled September through May on Sunday morning after the 9:30 Mass at 11:00 a.m.. Through regular attendance, Faith Formation offers the parish community an opportunity for all members, preschool through adult years, a chance to be formed in the knowledge of their Catholic faith, stewardship, current Church events, outreach programs and more.
Faith Formation for youth and adults begins with the parish community gathering on Sunday to celebrate Eucharist. After a brief break for coffee and donuts, children report to class for instruction, while parents and other parishioners attend sessions for the adult community. Adult formation is important not only for the adult, but so that children come to see that growing in faith is important for all ages.
In addition to Sunday sessions, adult formation opportunities are also attended through small group programs as well as via Facebook & email.
As a Total Stewardship Parish, our Faith Formation classes are free of charge.
Preschool through 2nd grade
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is celebrated during the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Preschool through second grade children are with their family through the opening prayer. Prior to the Liturgy of the Word, the priest calls the children and catechists forward. The children leave to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word adapted to their age level. While the gifts are collected, the children rejoin their families to celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist with the parish community.
This is a great opportunity for our children to hear the Scripture proclaimed and then engage in a brief discussion of the readings at their age level, and are often given a take-home leaflet to review with their parents. They also learn about the church year, liturgical colors, parts of the Mass, and more.
From Pre-kindergarten to Confirmation Class
Our PSR Program serves children, Pre-Kindergarten through Confirmation, especially those who are not attending a Catholic School. If your child is enrolled in a Catholic school, they are most welcome to attend as well.
More information about the PSR Program and the Youth Group are detailed on the Youth Programs page.
Faith formation is an important part of our Youth Group, comprised of students in grades 7th through 12th grade. While some of these students are participating in regular PSR (7th grade) or Confirmation preparation (7th-9th), the remaining students in this age group are participating in their own faith formation program and sometimes join in with adult formation programs.
For this group, faith formation is presented in a variety of formats and delivery methods, including faith-based movies, streaming series (The Chosen), classes, and a variety of retreat opportunities (see the Retreats and Conferences page).