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“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Need help or want to get involved in helping others? Check out these community outreach programs available in our area.
Least of These offers food, clothing and job assistance for residents of Christian County, Missouri. Call (417) 724-2500.
Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation (OACAC) is a nonprofit agency working to alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty in the Ozarks. Call (417) 581-7631.
One Door is working to prevent and end homelessness through coordination of resources and navigation of services. Call (417) 225-7499.
Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri offers a variety of services to improve the lives of the vulnerable. They serve all people, regardless of faith. Call (417) 720-4213.
Knights of Columbus is a fraternal benefit organization of Catholic men of faith and charitable action. Their charitable activities encompass a variety of local, national, and international projects. Local Knights support local and national scholarship funds, Special Olympics, Coats for Kids, Global Wheelchair Mission, Ultrasound Initiative, Pregnancy Care Center, religious education, The Domestic Family and other projects. Knights are active in the St. Francis of Assisi Parish with fish fry dinners, pancake breakfasts, an annual parishioner scholarship, children’s poster contests, and Fifth Sunday Liturgy. St. Francis of Assisi Knights of Columbus Council #13748 meets on the 2nd Sunday each month with dinner at 6 pm followed by Council meeting at 7 pm.
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary are wives, mothers, daughters of a Knight. The Ladies support the Knights of Columbus by Helping Knights Help Others and also have several events they host to support families such as Chili Cook-off and Family Movie Night. Meetings are held at the same time as the Knights Columbus meeting.
Missouri Right to Life is a statewide interdenominational pro-life organization.
Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty is a statewide coalition dedicated to ending the use of the death penalty in Missouri. The Springfield chapter meets at Holy Trinity Catholic Church.
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