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Our youth programs are part of Faith Formation which provides opportunities for everyone from children to adults to increase their knowledge of the Catholic faith and be informed parish members.
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Our PSR curriculum is reviewed each year and programs are selected that provide for students, Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade to learn Scripture, prayerful practices and to gain the habits of living as a faithful Catholic. Most programs include online components, work sheets, and family activities that are heavily rooted in Sacred Scripture. Theology of the Body curriculum and safe environment/youth protection classes are also taught during the year. For more information, visit


Additionally, programs specifically designed for sacramental preparation are used for our students who are preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist (2nd grade students) as well as those participating in the two-year Confirmation program which is offered every two years to students who are in the 7th-9th grade.

Passing on faith to our youth and teaching values that reflect our Catholic beliefs is one of the most important responsibilities of parents and the church community. We believe that faith begins at home and continues to be formed through participation in the sacramental life of the Church, Sunday Worshipservice to the parish and the community, and Catholic religious educational opportunities.
Consider the following reasons:
  • To explore and celebrate the joys and mysteries of our wonderful Catholic faith
  • To participate in sacramental programs (First penance, First Communion, Confirmation)
  • To reinforce moral and religious principles that you, the parent, are teaching them
  • To help you fulfill your obligation to provide religious training for your children
  • To help your children nurture and grow in their faith
  • To give them the opportunity to become an active participant in our church community.
Sessions begin in September and end in May on Sunday mornings following the 9:30 a.m. Mass. We meet from 11:00 a.m. to noon in the O’Reilly Community Room. Regular attendance is encouraged.
To register your child/children fill out our registration form or learn more about St. Francis of Assisi’s Faith Formation sessions, contact the parish office.
YOUTH GROUP (Junior/Highschool)
We believe that providing an opportunity for our youth to come together in faith, fun fellowship is a vital component to parish family life and service.
Our parish offers a youth program to junior high and high school students with a wide variety of activities and experiences. In addit
ion to weekly formation, social events are scheduled, bonfires, movies, BBQ/yard games, card nights, and, nature hikes, as well as various service projects.
Additionally, several diocesan events and
 conferences are promoted.



Child & Youth Protection - DioSCG

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