“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi
What does being a good steward of your time, talent, treasure and faith mean to you? How do you share your God-given gifts with your parish community? Why is it important to you? Find out the answers to these questions directly from our parishioners in their Stories of Stewardship. It's time to Get Involved!

Our story of stewardship began with the founding of St. Francis of Assisi Parish and our pastor, Fr. Mark Boyer, explaining to the parish about Total Stewardship.
We were a little concerned with how it would work, like most parishioners. We were not used to a new concept of tithing, especially without fundraisers to help support ministries and special parish events.
But through our personal experience, we learned when you put your complete trust in God He will provide everything when you need it.
In other churches we attended, we were not involved in parish activities but as St. Francis grew so did our understanding of Total Stewardship. We volunteered for ushering, money counting, and Social Committee and were later elected to Parish and Finance Councils. We didn't have to think twice about giving to support the church with our time, talent and treasure. Total Stewardship became our way of life.
We believe it is important to support your parish financially. God owns it all—we own nothing. He has provided us with gifts and blessings to manage and use wisely and responsibly. You learn to live a life of faith, trust and generosity, which is so important in today's world.
We encourage everyone to get out of your comfort zone, get involved and practice the life of Total Stewardship. Give what you have back to God; you will be rewarded many times over.
- Kevin & Kathy Heitland