“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi
What does being a good steward of your time, talent, treasure and faith mean to you? How do you share your God-given gifts with your parish community? Why is it important to you? Find out the answers to these questions directly from our parishioners in their Stories of Stewardship. It's time to Get Involved!
When we count our gifts and come to the realization that everything we have is a gift from our heavenly Father, it only makes sense that we develop a need to give. To give of our time, our talent, our treasure, and our prayers. It took me a while to realize that I needed to step up my giving in all of these areas.
I thought that I was doing okay. But when I was honest with myself, I knew that I could do more.
I could find many instances when I was selfish with my time. I allowed doubt and fear to keep me from sharing the talents that God had given me. I was stingy with my money, always finding some family or personal need that was more important than increasing contributions to church and diocese. And my prayer life was something I would fit into my life and wasn’t treated as a priority.
My change of heart came through prayer and reflection that was probably sparked through one of my retreat experiences. I started reading scripture a little more and praying more often. I started to find a little quiet time and began to realize that I could do more, that I needed to do more.
It was a gradual process, but I started to challenge myself to do a little more than I had in the past. I decided to make each Advent and each Lent season a little more focused; to do a little more each time that pledge card was passed out. I began to take a few chances, saying “YES” to a fourth grade religion class, joining a 6am prayer group, even learning to make balloon animals. Each “YES” was rewarded by so many more blessings.
I can’t commit to being a better disciple-steward without God’s grace and blessings. I pray that He will continue to push and guide me to do better today, than yesterday, better tomorrow, than today.
Deacon Gary Steffes